As a complete COMINT - SIGINT software suite with a focus on narrowband modes largely found in HF, Krypto500 is very different from 'competitive' software. It was designed specifically for the purpose of COMINT- SIGINT operations as opposed to monitoring and contains full subsystems for equipment control, precision classification, analysis, collection, fingerprinting and demodulation, decoding and parsing that are without equal in the market.
A summary of the main points:
- Krypto500 has 300+ more decoders (and growing!) than any other software and we produce 14x more new decoders each year than all of our 'competitors' combined
- Krypto500 has 4,000+ precision classifiers ('competitors': ~23)
- Krypto500 has almost 500 RadioID (fingerprinting) signatures (competitors: zero)
- Krypto500 has automatic network diagramming ('competitors': none)
- Krypto500 has 100% current, complete and accurately-named decoders ('competitors': 40-60% obsolete or irrelevant)
- Krypto500 is compatible with more than 400 receivers, SDRs, DF systems, acquisition cards, Allied Intelligence standards, etc.
- All of Krypto500's decoders are fully EA / Active SIGINT capable ('competitors': not)
To read a PDF about 'Krypto500 vs the competition' see:
To see other PDF summaries describing our advantages in greater detail, please see our website's RESOURCES page or click the link below: